Pagan Pride Day


Corproate Information

Have you incorporated? National needs all this information below.

This form is ONLY to be used by events in the United States who are NOT joining the GEN. If you are joining or have joined the GEN, or do not know what that means, visit the GEN pages

Regional Coordinator:

Event Location (as listed on PPP website):


Corporate name

State of incorporation

DATE of incorporation


Whether you have applied with the IRS (yes/no).
Yes     No

And some further questions that might or might not apply to you:

If you have not applied with the IRS, why not? Are you relying on the "under $5000" exception? Are you going to rely on National's nonprofit letter for discounts and stuff?

If you are running your PPD event income and expenses through a different group (a group not called "Pagan Pride Day"), do they keep the PPD expenses separate? Do they report PPD income as their own on their group's Form 990 (or, if they are not required to file, would they do so if they were required to file)? DO they consider PPD wholly, 100% their "baby" (so to speak)?