Pagan Pride Day


Final Report Online submission

Final reports are SO important to us that I have designed this online submission form to make it easier on you. It will automatically send an email containing your report to all the national officers and your RC. You should not duplicate your final report in a separate email to that list. However if you have a Post Event Press Release, post that to paganpride-announce@yahoogroups.com.

All answers are required and the form will not process if you leave any blank, ESPECIALLY the RC field which routes the form to the correct recipients.

It is our hope that this form will encourage you to submit your final event reports promptly, and that you answer all the questions we need answered.

Do not hit return after filling in any field. You may use the "tab" key to move between fields.

Regional Coordinator:

LC name:

Event Location (as listed on PPP website):

E-mail address:

Date, Time of event:

Number of people attended at your event

Pounds of food collected

Name of charity ("main" charity if more than one):


Phone Number:

Contact Person:

Information about other charities (if you had more than one)

Media coverage: Which papers, stations, etc., and any links of articles on the Internet
(if there is none then leave the word "none" in there)

What went well, what worked for you?

Protesters and problems, if any (if there are none then leave the word "none" in there)

Any other comments? (not required)

Are you planning to coordinate next year's event in your area?
Selecting no will immediatly open your area to the next person to apply for it, please be quite sure you don't want to return