What is remembered, lives.
I remember Tempest Smith.
I remember that it's never right to make fun of someone's beliefs.
I remember that sticks and stones can break my bones, but names are
words of power that can wound the soul.
I remember that many mocked - and one died.
I remember Tempest Smith.
I remember that it takes all types to make a world.
I remember that nature likes biodiversity. This is true of beliefs and
ideas as well.
I remember that I make a better witness to my own beliefs by simply
living them, not belittling others.
I remember Tempest Smith.
And I remember that another person’s belief (or non-belief) is just as
sincerely held as my own.
I remember to have the courage to say, "Hey, that's not right," when
I see someone being ridiculed.
And the next time I am tempted to go along with the crowd and tease
someone who is "different," I will remember Tempest Smith, and I
will remember my pledge.
Because what is remembered, lives.
On February 20, 2001, a young girl named Tempest Smith killed herself in Lincoln Park, Michigan, USA. Her suicide was directly caused by the taunting of other students who mocked her because she was "different" and because she was Wiccan. This is a dramatic and extreme example of hundreds of everyday cases of prejudice based on religion. Even those who would never make a racial or gender-based slur may still discriminate based on religion, because many faiths teach that their religion is the only true religion.
We know that change is made one person at a time. So in memory of Tempest Smith and millions of victims of religious discrimination worldwide, we at the Pagan Pride Project ask you to pledge these three things:
Thank you for your generosity of spirit in acknowledging a problem and pledging yourself to its resolution.
'What is remembered, lives' originally from the Reclaiming Samhain ritual, first published in Starhawk's "Spiral Dance".