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American Religious Identification Survey
How Many Wiccans Are There in the U.S.? (religioustolerance.org)
Spiral Scouts at www.SpiralScouts.org - if you're local BSA group feels unwelcome, please consider contacting Spiral Scouts. Same learning experience, more diversity.
Officers of Avalon -- a group for Pagan emergency personnel (Fire, Police, EMT, etc.)
The Witches Voice (WitchVox) | |
21st Century Witches | |
Cec's Wicca 101 page | |
Goddess School | Know Mother Earth as the ultimate healer, and learn to utilize the gifts of nature. Inside each woman is a being of wisdom, deeply connected to the phases of the moon and the tides of the sea. All we need to do is trust our innate wisdom. |
The Halls of Reiki | The Halls of Reiki consists of four wings with many rooms containing extensive information on Reiki, as well as hundreds of links to other Reiki, Metaphysical, New Age, Spiritual and Alternative Healing sites. |
Truth Seeker Haven | |
WILSON'S ALMANAC & Planet Directory: http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com | Have you seen this free email-zine? Daily celebrations: Folklore of each day; global festivals; ancient Christian & pagan calendar customs; New Age; spiritual; alternatives; On This Day; inspiration; humor. |