Media Coverage of the "We Still Work Magic" Pagan Pride in Asheville
The coverage was aired at 11:00 last night [Wednesday, September 20], and again at 6:00 this morning [Thursday, September 21]. It was very fair (other than the low estimate of people attending, two other papers estimated Twice as many, 300...while the official headcount by gate workers was over 400.) The reports were very good and lacked any of the misinformation of the WSOC TV coverage.
Coverage in the Asheville Citizen-Times http://citizen-times.com/cgi-bin/story.cgi?news&20000921_n11.txt) (link broken)
Coverage in the Atlanta Journal [GA] (http://www.accessatlanta.com/partners/ajc/epaper/editions/thursday/news_939c3b79810691de007b.html) (link broken)
Coverage in The Charlotte Observer (WV). (http://www.charlotte.com/topnews/pub/pagans.htm) (link broken)
And the article in the Cox News Service also gave then some publicity. (http://www.coxnews.com/newsservice/stories/2000/PAGANS21COX.html) (link broken)