The Pagan Pride Project is dedicated to letting Local Coordinators determine, as far as possible, what goes on at their events,
because you all know your local communities better than we do. However, in order to answer questions and to some extent protect us,
we have established a few policies that you need to be aware of and follow.
These policies are firm requirements. Consult your RC if you are having specific difficulties (Sometimes we issue waivers.
Event Window Policy: All Pagan Pride Project events must occur between August 1st and
October 31st.
Event Naming policy: Events shall be named for the city they occur in, or the nearby big city
where applicable, and must include the term "Pagan Pride Day", and must identify and advertise as such. Events can have a nickname,
like a geographic nickname (ex: Los Angeles/Southland PPD), but can't be named after the state (i.e. "California Pagan Pride" or
"Northern California Pagan Pride") if it is too vague. Any portion of this policy can be overridden by the RC, especially in
international regions, if appropriate.
- This helps the public find their nearest event when looking on our website, and it helps the RC space events properly.
- People from outside the area might not be familiar with geographic nicknames, so they are allowed as nicknames only.
- Also, we are concerned that events named after the whole state would discourage other applications from the state and hurt expansion.
- This rule applies to all website domain names and email addresses registered after the rule is passed except where exempted by the RC.
- This rule will be applied less outside the U.S. where there are currently only a few events.
Policies on Locations and Spacing
Metro Area Policy: In certain cases, the Pagan Pride Project Board may designate a Local Coordinator as a Metro Area Coordinator. This reflects one of the following situations in regards to the city or town in question
- That the city's population and immediate suburbs straddles state lines (like Cincinnati)
- That the city's population and immediate suburbs straddles a region border (like St Louis)
- That the city, in Pride's estimation, needs a single event in order not to dilute the strength
of the event, due to either a small Pagan population or past difficulties with getting Pride events scheduled (like Atlanta)
- That while two or more adjoining cities may be separate legal
entities, for the purpose of Pride they are to be considered one coverage area (like Minneapolis/St Paul)
- Metro Area coverage will be defined on a case-by-case basis.
Policy on moving events: Events that move their locations farther than 15 miles from the old location need RC approval. This applies to LC's who themselves move and still wish to hold events.
- LC's do not automatically get to hold a new event in their new hometown. They might be too close to an existing event.
Event Distance Policy: Events should be 90 minutes driving time apart, however, events may occur closer than that, after review by the RC and in coordination with neighboring LC's to prevent negative competition.
- Circumstances that require closer events might include geography, vastly different communities, or other unique situations.
- This policy encourages larger events, and larger events have a greater chance of attracting the media and non Pagans from the general public.
Event Location Policy: Pagan Pride events will be held in a public place and will be FREE to attend. Material donations to your charity may be collected at the entrance, but no one is to be turned away for lack of donations.
- This encourages attendance from your community, Pagan and non-Pagan, as well as from the media.
- Public place means park, town hall, community center, or something similar.
- The goal is, if at all possible, to locate your event near the public and near foot traffic.
- Camping events are discouraged. Events at private homes are strenuously discouraged.
- Waivers for this requirement are issued based on local need, contact your RC.
- Your location must be secured, and your RC notified of the specific date and location, by August 1 of every year.
Event Attendance Policy: Everyone is invited to your event except as cited below.
- LC's should not exclude anyone based on politics, witch wars, or prejudice. It's hard, but it's best for the community.
- People dressed or acting for shock value are not the best people to introduce to the reporters. But remember also that we are all a little wacko. :)
- You do have the right to ask disruptive people to leave, but only after fair warning. This includes protesters - only eject them if they become disruptive and only after fair warning.
- You are urged to talk to the Board if you're having problems making a decision regarding specific groups attending; the BOD has several different personal viewpoints about this issue, so the you'll get a decent cross-section of view-points, from which you can make his your own decision. It's up to you, but we're willing to help.
Policies on Applications and Turnover
Policy on LC transfer: New Local Coordinators MUST apply through the PPP national website regardless of how a local committee selected them to ascend to the position. LC's who retire mid year, for any reason, have to inform their RC, and Brian, and must ensure that the new LC applies, is accepted, and is listed on the website and the email list.
- We understand that many LC's develop committees and separate organizations, and we will give your recommendation great weight, if not just approve it outright. But we also need to keep track of who runs the events, and the application process is the easiest way to do so.
- Failure to follow this turnover policy could open a city to applications for a new Local Coordinator.
- This helps us track who is running the event, but more importantly it keeps an event from getting accidentally pulled if we think that the LC has disappeared (and this DID happen to someone).
- Steps to properly turn over your event
- Have your new LC apply online immediately.
- Inform your RC, Brian, and Carla directly by email or phone.
- Once the new person is accepted, verify that the website reflects the change, or ask the new person to do so.
- The new person must make sure they are receiving messages from the coordinators internal email list (and the former LC might want to make sure they stop receiving messages from the list).
Policy on Co-LC's: If you choose a Co-LC, that person must apply through the national website, and be accepted.
- This insures to us that they read the policies, ethics, and event planning tips as well.
- We also need full contact information for everyone ultimately responsible for planning the event, and this helps us get it.
Policies on Project Property
Policy on Email List Ownership: Yahoo groups or other email lists, set up solely for PPD uses either by the public or by volunteers, shall be created in conjunction with the Regional Coordinator and/or have the RC set as co-owner. Groups must be turned over to the new Local Coordinator or the Regional Coordinator if the LC resigns. LC's cannot delete PPD email lists.
Materials Usage Policy: All logos, mailing lists, materials, and other properties are the property of the Pagan Pride Project, Incorporated, and anyone resigning from PPP gives up any further right to their usage.
- One, this means that the current recognized Local Coordinator owns all mailing lists and contact info as a recognized 'representative' of PPP, Inc;
- Two, this specifically does NOT apply to the phrase 'Pagan Pride'. We don't own it.
Policy on Finances: Money raised for or at PPD events belongs to the Project. Money is always held locally by the LC, but must be turned over to the new LC or the RC if the LC resigns. LC's must submit a yearly financial report after their event.
- At the end of the year you need to submit a financial summary and copies of bank statements and receipts. This is mandatory for all events who are incorporated
under us. Events who are separately incorporated must submit financial
summaries but may (not must) submit copies of statements and receipts.
- Your financial summary need not be in a detailed accounting format, it can be as simple as a "checkbook" format,
as long as it accurately represents what funds you raised and what you spent.
- You must keep this financial report throughout the year, and per IRS
regulations, you must disclose it to anyone from your community who asks to see
it. How you disclose is up to you (i.e. website or paper copy)
Policy on Bank Accounts: LC's can open a local bank account using the national EIN (Tax ID number) subject to these requirements:
- The account is in the Project's name and under the EIN, and not under any personal name or social security number.
- The account has three signatories: the RC or a National Officer, the LC, and the local Treasurer
- They file quarterly financial reports to their Regional Coordinator and copies of the bank statements
- You are not required to open a bank account in the Project's name if you have another way to keep money, or if you take in no money. This is just an option available to you. Other options would be to obtain your own EIN or even incorporate on your own. Please see the tax pages in the LC resources section.
- You'll probably need a bank willing to fill out a signatory card by mail or fax so your RC can be on it
- Brian will get you the EIN and the tax exemption letter
- Do NOT use the EIN for improper purposes, or you will lose your LC status
Policy on Commingling Funds: PPD funds can NOT be combined with any personal funds in the same bank account. PPD funds should be kept in an account dedicated to PPD. If your PPD funds are mixed with your nonprofit organization's general funds, then that is OK, but we suggest keeping track of PPD's numbers separately somehow, like in your accounting program to make financial reporting easier.
Policies on Communications
Policy on continued LC contact: If an LC is out of contact with us and the public for any amount of time, especially for computer trouble, that LC must figure out some alternate way for people to contact them (possible including choosing a Co-LC) that we can list on the national website, and inform their RC, Brian, and Dag directly.
- This prevents us from losing total contact with events.
- Failure to do so risks opening the city to new applications, if we think the LC bailed on us.
Event cancellation policy: LC's who cancel a planned event must notify their RC and Brian by phone or email, and do not automatically get their position renewed for the following year: they must discuss the situation with their RC for approval.
- If there are good reasons to cancel, the LC will probably be safe.
- We also want to work to avoid canceling if possible, and to do that we need immediate notification so that we can help you.
- This policy also helps us from totally losing contact with events.
Contact with National: You are required to send regular reports to the Membership Director and your Regional Coordinator (RC).
- The schedule is somewhere in between monthly and bimonthly, and is posted regularly on our internal email list.
Policy on charitable recipients: LC's shall not list charities that they personally run (not including Pagan Pride itself) to be recipients of ppd fundraising/collecting, unless receipt of the donation is independently verified by another officer of the recipient organization. LC's shall provide charity information to their RC's complete with name, address, phone number and contact person's name. Due to IRS regulations, the recipients of local food drives (or other donations collected at events) from our events in the United States must be 501(c)3 organizations.
Legal: Be aware of any applicable regulations
- This certainly applies to skyclad rituals and might also apply to ritual athames (which police might consider "concealed weapons").
- Make sure you have the proper permits where applicable, including vending, health (if you sell food), business, assembly, insurance, and anything else required by your venue or your community.
- The Pagan Pride Project will not be responsible for events held in violation of local laws.
- Due to IRS regulations, the recipients of our local food drives (or other donations collected at events) must be 501(c)3 organizations.
Media Policy: Pagan Pride events are held partly for the media's benefit and must be media friendly
- Every LC is expected to issue press releases to all the area media outlets.
- Every event must be media friendly and the media must be provided extra attention when they show up.
- Be articulate. Read our media contact guidelines. Rehearse for the interview before the event. Have someone ask you practice questions.
- You will appear in the paper and maybe on TV. Think about what you want to appear in it. Imagine someone who has no knowledge of Paganism reading it. Imagine that one relative who can't seem to accept your lifestyle reading the article. What do you want them to read?
- When talking to national media (Associated Press, nationally syndicated television, or major papers like USA Today or the NY Times), refer them to Pagan Pride Central, or at least to the PPP website, so that the event numbers and information they publish reflect the movement as a whole and not just a local event.
- When there is some reason that media presence would be detrimental to the organizing and unification of an area's pagan community, the Pride Board can issue a waiver. Waiver requests must include a projected time when you CAN begin media contact.
Adult Content Policy: Demonstration events that include sexual content are banned from Pagan Pride celebrations, including but not limited to workshops on techniques and sexually-themed items for sale.
- Here's a simple, common-sense rule: Would the presentation offend a reasonably tolerant, middle-of-the-road, non-Pagan in your city if they saw it from ten feet away? If so, dump it.
- Discussion events are acceptable, but remember that media presence at Pride events is a part of our mission. Pagan Pride encourages education and informative events on all topics of interests to pagans, as long as they are handled responsibly.
- LCs are responsible for making sure all events meet state and local ordinance, and are the final arbitrators as to what events are acceptable given these policies.
Policy on Teenage participation: LC's need to obtain signed permission from parents when children wish to *work* at their events. This is not required at all for teens to just attend; teen attendance is encouraged.
- Minors' rights are limited by parental choice. However, we do want to include active and interested teens where we can.
- A Local Coordinator may also choose to obtain permission via a face-to-face meeting; details are left to the local coordinators to decide.
- You do not need this for teens to attend, because it is a public event. In fact teen attendance falls under the event attendance policy (see above).
- There are legal liability reasons for this; recently, suit was brought
against a Baptist Church in (I -think-) Louisiana) for having a kid involved in church activities without parents' permission.