Pagan Pride Day



Local Coordinator Application: Part 4 -- Code of Ethical Conduct

Code of Expected Ethical Conduct for Members of the Pagan Pride Project, Inc.

As members of the Pagan Pride Project, the following is an expected code of ethical conduct for Local Coordinators and members of the Board of Directors:

Honesty in self-representation: Not claiming titles or lineage you don't have; and not claiming to speak for Pagan Pride Project, Inc. in matters of legal or policy issues without authorization from the Board of Directors.

Neutrality and inclusiveness: including diverse elements of all the local Pagan community; actively reaching out to multiple groups to be involved with the event; not playing favorites, but putting aside personal or ideological differences to work together for the betterment of the community and Paganism.

Following the Non-Rumor-Proliferation agreement: We shall not participate in the proliferation of malicious gossip or rumor within the Pagan community, and especially within Pagan Pride, nor shall we support those who do so.

Non-discrimination: No discrimination based on race, gender, spiritual tradition, or sexual orientation; nor belittling anyone for any of the above.

Financial integrity: Recording and reporting all funds accurately; never, ever taking funds and using them for personal purposes; being willing to display financial records publicly.

Directness in communication: Taking responsibility for communicating your needs within Pagan Pride as clearly and honestly as you are able. To the best of your ability, trying to go directly to the source rather than backbiting or repeating hearsay, listening carefully, and speaking with respect, honesty, and courtesy.

Timeliness and honesty in reporting: Sending progress and event reports on time; communicating with Regional Coordinators and PPP Central when asked; and always being honest with all data on these reports.

Embracing a spirit of teamwork and cooperation: Not viewing other Pagan Pride events and coordinators as competition, but rather as members of the same team; working with events that may be close to you to stagger dates, share vendors and participants, and maximize success for all involved.

Respecting privacy: while Local Coordinators by definition need to be "out of the broom closet," it is still a breach of ethics to reveal anyone else's involvement in the Pagan community without their permission.

Respecting consentuality: not participating in any non-consensual physical, psychic, emotional, or magickal actions while associated with the Pagan Pride Project, Inc.

Situations in which the Board of Directors -may- remove a Local Coordinator:

Note: these are not definites, nor are they the only times where the Board may do so, but these are situations where we reserve the right to ask a Local Coordinator no longer to be a member of the Pagan Pride Project, Inc.

If the Board of Directors feels that a situation warrants examination, the following procedure will be followed:

  1. A representative of the Board, most likely the LC's Regional Coordinator or Membership Director, will present the Local Coordinator with specifics of the problem or problems that appear to exist, with as many concrete examples as possible;
  2. They will discuss it with the LC, preferably by phone, but at least in an emailed, 2-sided conversation;
  3. They will hear the LC's explanation and discuss it with the Board before making a decision.
  4. The Board may also gather information from other people, but in all cases as much discretion as possible will be involved, because the Board is held to the non-rumor-proliferation agreement as well.
  5. The Board's decision may be appealed once if you really, really think there was evidence not examined in the initial discussion; but a re-evaluated decision is final.

Conflict Resolution Procedure:

If two members of the Pagan Pride Project are in conflict, the following is the procedure to be followed:

  1. Direct communication between disputants. This is always the choice most strongly requested, as we are all equal.
  2. Communication with one's Regional Coordinator. This should be reserved either for a situation where a person simply cannot manage to speak on their own and wants mediation, or in a situation where an issue seems to be enough of a problem that it may affect other Pagan Pride events.
  3. Under no circumstances should the complaint simply be broadcast about, either on Pagan Pride national lists or local email lists. The maturity to address a situation directly without bringing in the entire community is expected of Coordinators.

Pagan Pride Values Statement:

Values Statement

Respect, integrity, communication, and neutrality are the cornerstones of our organization.

We respect individual spiritual beliefs and backgrounds, and recognize the importance of spirituality in everyday life. Membership is open to anyone who defines him or herself as a Pagan or allied spiritual path (see our own (very broad) definition of Paganism) who agrees to our event policies and Code of Expected Ethical Conduct. No commonality of belief, practice, or rites is implied by membership in this organization. Membership is solely to provide the resource advantages of a larger group, while remaining autonomous in our personal practices.

We shall remain honest and trustworthy in all of our interactions. We shall facilitate accountability and strength of character among our members. We shall conduct ourselves in such a manner as to bring honor to our community and to Paganism.

Every voice in our community is important and deserves to be heard. We shall attempt to make communication as extensive and accurate as possible among our members, and listen to feedback from our local communities about our events. We shall not participate in the proliferation of malicious gossip or rumor, nor shall we support those who do so. We shall be a positive voice for Paganism in our community at large, while recognizing that not every Pagan is able to be in the open regarding their spiritual beliefs.

We are politically neutral. While we understand and expect differences among members of the Pagan community, we cannot afford to allow this to separate us when our goal is fighting prejudice and discrimination. We are not referees and will not be pulled into local disputes. On Pagan Pride Day, and in the planning of its events, we refuse to be involved in "witch wars" but proudly rise above differences of opinion to stand united and show the world that we -are- Proud to be Pagan.

Does this all sound good? Then please apply.