1 -- Planning Guide | 2 -- Expectations of Coordinators | 3 -- Event Policies | 4 -- Code of Ethical Conduct | 5 -- Coordinator Application
- To coordinate a public event including at least a charity drive and Autumn Equinox observation, and to hold this event on or near the Fall Equinox, in the event window noted on the event policies, and as described in the planning guide. (You did read the planning guide already, didn't you? :)
- To be the individual, or member of a group of individuals, responsible for arranging the event. The Local Coordinator(s) will serve as a local point of contact for other local volunteers, report progress reports back to the Pagan Pride mailing list, provide a post-event summary, and provide archive copies of any media coverage.
- To check in regularly with your Regional Coordinator, to keep him/her updated about what's happening in your area.
- To publicize the event locally by requesting support of local Pagan groups, inviting local media to cover the event, welcoming those not of our faith to celebrate with us, and meeting any protests or harassment with reason and attempts to educate.
- To agree with a code of conduct, simply stating that while we are not pretending to conform to society in every way, we also are not interested in attempting to shock anyone, or using outrageous means to draw attention to us, and to agree to the Event Policies. (In other words, no one's going to care if you have a nose ring, but we really don't want you dancing skyclad in your local grocery store!)
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